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International Water Association, Specialist Group

Featured Publications

Integrated analyses of fecal indicator bacteria, microbial source tracking markers, and pathogens for Southeast Asian beach water quality assessment

Water Research, Volume 203, 15 September 2021, 117479.

Akechai Kongprajug, Natcha Chyerochana, Surapong Rattanakul, Thammanitchpol Denpetkul, Watsawan Sangkaew, Pornjira Somnark, Yupin Patarapongsant, KanokponT omyim, Montakarn Sresung, Skorn Mongkolsuk, Kwanrawee Sirikanchana


Journal of Water and Health, Volume 19, Issue 4, 1 August 2021

Cryptosporidium spp. infections in livestock and wild animals in Azerbaijan territory
S. Mamedova; P. Karanis
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 545–562.

Current report on the prevalence of free-living amoebae (FLA) in natural hot springs: a systematic review
Mary Rachael Leigh Fabros; Xyleen Rianne Shae Diesta; John Anthony Oronan; Kim Sofia Verdejo; Joe-Anna Sheilla Marie Garcia; Ma. Sophia Romey; Giovanni De Jesus Milanez
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 563–574.

Microbial faecal pollution of river water in a watershed of tropical Ethiopian highlands is driven by diffuse pollution sources
Douglas Mushi; Geda Kebede; Rita B. Linke; Aschalew Lakew; Daniel S. Hayes; Wolfram Graf; Andreas H. Farnleitner
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 575–591.

Lentic and effluent water of Delhi-NCR: a reservoir of multidrug-resistant bacteria harbouring blaCTX-M, blaTEM and blaSHV type ESBL genes
Asghar Ali; Insha Sultan; Aftab Hossain Mondal; Mohammad Tahir Siddiqui; Firdoos Ahmad Gogry; Qazi Mohd. Rizwanul Haq
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 592–603.

Genomic detection of waterborne enteric viruses as water quality indicators in Al-Zarqa River, Jordan
Ismail Saadoun; Qutaiba Ababneh; Ziad Jaradat
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 604–615.

Trends of potential waterborne diseases at different health facilities in Bamboutos Division, West Region, Cameroon: a retrospective appraisal of routine data from 2013 to 2017
Lontuo-Fogang Robertine; Vincent Khan Payne; Ntangmo Tsafack Honorine; Souleman Mounchili; Matango Murielle Saturine; Bup Rita Manjuh; Ngouyamsa Nsapkain Aboubakar; Bamou Roland
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 616–628.

Pathogen performance testing of a natural swimming pool using a cocktail of microbiological surrogates and QMRA-derived management goals
David C. Shoults; Qiaozhi Li; Susan Petterson; Sydney P. Rudko; Lena Dlusskaya; Mats Leifels; Candis Scott; Cyndi Schlosser; Nicholas J. Ashbolt
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 629–641.

Solar disinfection of turbid hygiene waters in Lexington, KY, USA
Atena Amirsoleimani; Gail M. Brion
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 642–656.

Detection of potentially pathogenic Arcobacter spp. in Bangkok canals and the Chao Phraya River
Noriko Tomioka; Wilasinee Yoochatchaval; Yasuyuki Takemura; Norihisa Matsuura; Tsuyoshi Danshita; Pornpawee Srisang; Noppamas Mungjomklang; Kazuaki Syutsubo
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 657–670.

Evaluation of hydration status during the COVID-19 pandemic: a study of Turkish young adults
Nursel Sahin; Senay Catak; Gamze Akbulut
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 671–681.

Quality of water for reprocessing of medical devices in healthcare facilities in Nepal
Gopal Panta; Ann K. Richardson; Ian C. Shaw
J Water Health (2021) 19 (4): 682–686.
