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International Water Association, Specialist Group


Journal of Water and Health Citation Ranking 2018

Very happy to announce the 2018 citation ranking of JWH papers (as of Jan 24, 2019, counted by Mohan Amarasiri, Tohoku University, Japan, using Web of Science). We really appreciate all reviewers and authors to support our Journal!!!

Karanis P, Kourenti C, Smith H
2007, 5(1) 1-38
33 times cited in 2018 (380 times in total)


Wu J, Long SC, Das D, Dorner SM
2011, 9(2), 265-278
21 times cited in 2018 (126 times in total)


Joseph O. Falkinham, III ,Michael D. Iseman, Petra de Haas, Dick van Soolingen
2008, 6(2), 209–213
12 times cited in 2018 (104 times in total)


Papers published in 2017
N. A. Moreira, M. Bondelind
2017, 15(1), 83-96
8 times cited in 2018 (9 times in total)


Susanne Wuijts, Harold H. J. L. van den Berg, Jennifer Miller, Lydia Abebe, Mark Sobsey, Antoine Andremont, Kate O. Medlicott, Mark W. J. van Passel, Ana Maria de Roda Husman
2017, 15(2), 175-184
6 times cited in 2017 (9 times in total)


Laura M. Suppes, Ching-Hua Huang, Wan-Ning Lee,  Kyle J. Brockman
2017, 15(5), 829-833
6 times cited in 2017 (6 times in total)


Papers publisehd in 2016
Jiawen Ma, Yaoyu Feng, Yue Hu, Eric N. Villegas, Lihua Xia
2016, 14(3), 411-423
10 times cited in 2018  (15 times in total)


Nasser AM
2016, 14(1), 1-13
9 times cited in 2018  (16 times in total)


T. K. Thomas, T. Ritter, D. Bruden, M. Bruce, K. Byrd, R. Goldberger, J. Dobson, K. Hickel, J. Smith, T. Hennessy
2016, 14(1), 132-141
7 times cited in 2018  (14 times in total)

Journal of Water and Health, December 2018, Vol. 16, Issue 6

An exploration of disinfection by-products formation and governing factors in chlorinated swimming pool water
Huma Ilyas; Ilyas Masih; Jan Peter van der Hoek
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 861-892.

Critical elements for local Indigenous water security in Canada: a narrative review
Tessa Latchmore; C. J. Schuster-Wallace; Dan Roronhiakewen Longboat; Sarah E. Dickson-Anderson; Anna Majury
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 893-903.

Evaluation of Moringa oleifera seed extract by extraction time: effect on coagulation efficiency and extract characteristic
Youmi Jung; Yoonhee Jung; Minhwan Kwon; Homin Kye; Yirga Weldu Abrha; Joon-Wun Kang
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 904-913.

Interaction between typical sulfonamides and bacterial diversity in drinking water
Qing Wu; Shuqun Li; Xiaofei Zhao; Xinhua Zhao
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 914-920.

Removal of Escherichia coli from well water using continuous laminar flow in a channel system containing PPy/Cu modified electrodes
M. B. González; L. I. Brugnoni; D. O. Flamini; L. M. Quinzani; S. B. Saidman
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 921-929.

Assessment of microbial quality of household water output from desalination systems by the heterotrophic plate count method
Ahmad Reza Yari; Mohammad Javad Mohammadi; Sahar Geravandi; Zohreh Doosti; Soudabeh Alizadeh Matboo; Shahram Arsang Jang; Shahram Nazari
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 930-937.

Evaluation of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis for the detection of mycobacterial species and their potential association with waterborne pathogens
G. Aboagye; M. T. Rowe
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 938-946.

Health risk of swimming pool disinfection by-products: a regulatory perspective
Tamás Pándics; Ádám Hofer; Gyula Dura; Márta Vargha; Tamás Szigeti; Erika Tóth
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 947-957.

Storage of aerobic granular sludge embedded in agar and its reactivation by real wastewater
Yuanyuan Cheng; Xinpeng Xuan; Linan Zhang; Jue Zhao; Bei Long
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 958-969.

Rotavirus analyses by SYBR Green real-time PCR and microbiological contamination in bivalves cultivated in coastal water of Amazonian Brazil
A. N. R. Marinho; D. C. C. Rocha; Y. K. Kanai; C. M. Alves; D. C. Costa; A. H. Sousa; B. C. V. Barros; M. C. M. S. Bonfim; J. D. P. Mascarenhas
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 970-979.

OPEN ACCESS!!!Pathogens in crop production systems irrigated with low-quality water in Bolivia
Luis Fernando Perez-Mercado; Cecilia Lalander; Abraham Joel; Jakob Ottoson; Mercedes Iriarte; Carla Oporto; Björn Vinnerås
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 980-990.

River water analysis using a multiparametric approach: Portuguese river as a case study
Ana Barbosa-Vasconcelos; Ângelo Mendes; Flávia Martins; Elisabete Lopes; Ana Machado; Adriano A. Bordalo; Paulo Vaz-Pires; Natividade Vieira; Paulo Martins da Costa; Lucinda J. Bessa
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 991-1006.

Enterococci as a key parameter for water quality index: Purires River, Costa Rica
Luz Chacón; Víctor Arias; Kenia Barrantes; Wilson Beita-Sandí; Liliana Reyes; Rosario Achí
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 1007-1017.

OPEN ACCESS!!!Water quality, availability, and acute gastroenteritis on the Navajo Nation – a pilot case-control study
Scott P. Grytdal; Robert Weatherholtz; Douglas H. Esposito; James Campbell; Raymond Reid; Nicole Gregoricus; Chandra Schneeberger; Tina S. Lusk; Lihua Xiao; Nancy Garrett; Cheryl Bopp; Laura L. Hammitt; Jan Vinjé; Vincent R. Hill; Katherine L. O’Brien; Aron J. Hall
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 1018-1028.

Snow angels – the microbiology of freshly fallen snow: implications for immunocompromised patients
John E. Moore; John McCaughan; Jonathan Stirling; Jane Bell; B. Cherie Millar
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 1029-1032.

Beyond reasonable drought: hotspots reveal a link between the ‘Big Dry’ and cryptosporidiosis in Australia’s Murray Darling Basin
Aparna Lal; Paul Konings
J Water Health (2018) 16 (6): 1033-1037.


Call for Abstract: 20th Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology

Please find the call for abstract of 20th Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Vienna, Austria (15-20 Sep. 2019).

HRWM Announcement Folder_2019_Web

The important dates are as follow:

15 January 2019: Submission opens for abstracts, abstracts for YWP and scholarships for authors from developing countries
15 April 2019: Submission closes
30 May 2019: Notification of acceptance
30 June 2019: Early Bird Registration Deadline
