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International Water Association, Specialist Group


Journal of Water and Health, April 2019, Vol. 17, Issue 2

Salmonella and the changing environment: systematic review using New York State as a model
Kevin Welch, Asante Shipp-Hilts, Millicent Eidson, Shubhayu Saha, Shelley Zansky
J Water Health (2018) 17 (2): 179-195.

Analysis of building plumbing system flushing practices and communications
Lisa Ragain, Sheldon Masters, Timothy A. Bartrand, Jennifer L. Clancy, Andrew J. Whelton
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 196-203.

Turbidity reduction in drinking water by coagulation-flocculation with chitosan polymers
Ampai Soros, James E. Amburgey, Christine E. Stauber, Mark D. Sobsey, Lisa M. Casanova
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 204-218.

Survey of US wastewater for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae
Jill Hoelle, James R. Johnson, Brian D. Johnston, Brian Kinkle, Laura Boczek, Hodon Ryu, Sam Hayes
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 219-226.

Variability of residual chlorine in swimming pool water and determination of chlorine consumption for maintaining hygienic safety of bathers with a simple mass balance model
Alvyn P. Berg, Ting-An Fang, Hao L. Tang
J Water Health (2018) 17 (2): 227-236.

Validation and in-field testing of a new on-site qPCR system for quantification of Legionella pneumophila according to ISO/TS 12869:2012 in HVAC cooling towers
Shaimaa Ahmed, Urszula Liwak-Muir, Danielle Walker, Agnes Zoldowski, Alan Mears, Sergey Golovan, Steve Mohr, Paul Lem, Chris Harder
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 237-253.

Kinetics of photocatalytic removal of imidacloprid from water by advanced oxidation processes with respect to nanotechnology
A. Derbalah, M. Sunday, R. Chidya, W. Jadoon, H. Sakugawa
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 254-265.

Advancing performance evaluation standards for household water treatment technologies
D. Brown, C. Farrow, E. A. McBean, B. Gharabaghi, J. Beauchamp
J Water Health (2018) 17 (2): 266-273.

Evaluation of adaptive low cost solar water pasteurization device for providing safe potable water in rural households
Sharmin Zaman, Abu Yousuf, Anowara Begum, Md Latiful Bari, K. S. Rabbani
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 274-286.

Molecular detection of human adenovirus in urban wastewater in Egypt and among children suffering from acute gastroenteritis
Elmahdy M. Elmahdy, Nehal I. Ahmed, Mohamed N. F. Shaheen, EL-Chaimaa B. Mohamed, Samah A. Loutfy
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 287-294.

Diversion and phylogenetic relatedness of filterable bacteria from Norwegian tap and bottled waters
Colin Charnock, Ralf Xue Hagen, Theresa Ngoc-Thu Nguyen, Linh Thuy Vo
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 295-307.

Influence of container cleanliness, container disinfection with chlorine, and container handling on recontamination of water collected from a water kiosk in a Kenyan slum
Regula Meierhofer, Basil Wietlisbach, Carol Matiko
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 308-317.

Implications of soils around domestic water points in the spread of intestinal parasites in the city of Yaounde (Cameroon)
Ajeagah Gideon Aghaindum, Asi Quiggle Atud, Okoa Amougou Thérèse Nadège
J Water Health (2018) 17 (2): 318-328.

Presence of emerging contaminants in urban water bodies in southern Brazil
Glaucia Ghesti Pivetta, Maria do Carmo Cauduro Gastaldini
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 329-337.

Investigation of the water quality of daily used surface-sources for drinking and irrigation by the population of Segou in the center of Mali
Amadou Toure, Duan Wenbiao, Zakaria Keita, Abdramane Dembele
J Water Health (2018) 17 (2): 338-349.

Molecular characterization of nontuberculous mycobacteria in hospital waters: a two-year surveillance study in Tehran, Iran
Somayeh Moradi, Mohammad Javad Nasiri, Fazel Pourahmad, Davood Darban-Sarokhalil
J Water Health (2019) 17 (2): 350-356.


Journal of Water and Health, February 2019, Vol. 17, Issue 1

Disinfection by-products in desalinated and blend water: formation and control strategy
Shakhawat Chowdhury
J Water Health (2019) 17 (1): 1-24.

Modification of the Thomas model for predicting unsymmetrical breakthrough curves using an adaptive neural-based fuzzy inference system
Mohammad Javad Amiri, Maryam Khozaei, Antonio Gil
J Water Health (2019) 17 (1): 25-36.

Assessing high-throughput environmental DNA extraction methods for meta-barcode characterization of aquatic microbial communities
Abdolrazagh Hashemi Shahraki, Subba Rao Chaganti, Daniel Heath
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 37-49.

Occurrence and reduction of F-specific RNA bacteriophage genotypes as indicators of human norovirus at a wastewater treatment plant
Suntae Lee, Mamoru Suwa, Hiroyuki Shigemura
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 50-62.

Development of a dose–response model for Naegleria fowleri
Kara Dean, Mark H. Weir, Jade Mitchell
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 63-71.

Metagenomic study on the composition of culturable and non-culturable bacteria in tap water and biofilms at intensive care units
Maha Farhat, Khaled R. Alkharsah, Fatimah I. Alkhamis, Huda A. Bukharie
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 72-83.

Weather, environmental conditions, and waterborne Giardia and Cryptosporidium in Iqaluit, Nunavut
Stephanie Masina, Jamal Shirley, Jean Allen, Jan M. Sargeant, Rebecca A. Guy Peter M. Wallis J. Scott Weese Ashlee Cunsolo Anna Bunce Sherilee L. Harper
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 84-97.

Low cost drinking water treatment using nonwoven engineered and woven cloth fabrics
Stephen Siwila, Isobel C. Brink
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 98-112.

Fecal coliform concentrations in effluent from ultraviolet disinfection units installed in onsite wastewater treatment systems
Meagan R. Jackson, John Scott Meschke, Jeremy Simmons, Tania Busch Isaksen
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 113-123.

Chlorine inactivation of coxsackievirus B5 in recycled water destined for non-potable reuse
Satiya Wati, Bret S. Robinson, John Mieog, Judy Blackbeard, Alexandra R. Keegan
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 124-136.

Predicting culturable enterococci exceedances at Escambron Beach, San Juan, Puerto Rico using satellite remote sensing and artificial neural networks
Abdiel E. Laureano-Rosario, Andrew P. Duncan, Erin M. Symonds, Dragan A. Savic, Frank E. Muller-Karger
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 137-148.

Cryptosporidium genotyping and land use mapping for hazard identification and source tracking in a small mixed rural–urban watershed in Southeastern Brazil
Rosane C. Andrade, Rafael K. X. Bastos, Paula D. Bevilacqua, Rosângela V. Andrade
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 149-159.

Occurrence of free-living amoebae (Acanthamoeba, Balamuthia, Naegleria) in water samples in Peninsular Malaysia
Shobana Gabriel, Naveed Ahmed Khan, Ruqaiyyah Siddiqui
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 160-171.

The association between water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) conditions and drowning in Bangladesh
Jagnoor Jagnoor, Medhavi Gupta, Kamran Ul Baset, Daniel Ryan, Rebecca Ivers, Aminur Rahman
J Water Health (2018) 17 (1): 172-178.
