Foto von Zsolt Marton


International Water Association, Specialist Group


Five tenure-track positions at the University of Guelph

Assistant Professor in Waterborne Disease Modelling: The candidate should have a skills necessary for research excellence and impact in computational modelling of pathogens in water systems, human health risk assessments, climate change impacts on waterborne disease transmission, or the development of decision support tools and models for public health intervention to control pathogens or AMR risk. More information and apply here:

Assistant Professor in Next Generation Sensing of Waterborne Pathogens: The candidate should have a proven record of research excellence and impact in water sensor development/validation and have skills or abilities applicable for sensing of waterborne pathogens/AMR. More information and apply here:

Assistant Professor in Smart, Nature-based Treatment of Waterborne Pathogens: This includes passive treatment systems such as constructed wetlands, engineered biofilters, ponds, swales, etc. and expands to nature-based solutions that integrate real time monitoring and control technologies to improve water treatment. The candidate should have a proven record of research excellence and impact in nature-based water treatment, should have skills or abilities applicable for intelligent monitoring/control/automation of water treatment systems and should have skills or abilities applicable for the treatment of waterborne pathogens/AMR. More information and apply here:,-Nature-based-Treatment-of-Waterborne-Pathogens-ON-N1G-2W1/729418247/

Assistant Professor in Assistant Professor in Waterborne Epidemiology: The candidate should have a proven record in water-based epidemiological studies in waterborne pathogens and/or AMR. Knowledge of molecular subtyping methods for pathogens and/or the determinants of AMR and experience with the mathematical modeling of disease transmission are preferred. Experience in data science, machine learning, or health analytics are considered assets. More information and apply here:

One additional position will be advertised soon: Groundwater-Surface Water Systems


Journal of Water and Health, Volume 23 Issue 1, 1 January 2025

Beyond the faucet: social-geographic disparities and trends in intermittent water supply in Peru
Akram Hernández-Vásquez; Rodrigo Vargas-Fernández
J Water Health (2025) 23 (1): 1–15.

Geochemical assessment of groundwater quality using Nemerov’s pollution index: a micro-level study in the groundwater critical zone of western Rajasthan, India
Sangeeta Parihar; Raina Jadhav; Suresh Kumar Pachak; Vijendra Singh Solanki; Saad S. Alarifi; Krishna Kumar Yadav; Neha Agarwal; Tathagata Ghosh; Virendra Kumar Yadav
J Water Health (2025) 23 (1): 16–25.

Wastewater microbiology: occurrence and prevalence of antibiotic-resistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in the district wastewater system
Mohamed Mohany; Jawad Aslam; Muhammad Adnan Ali; Baharullah Khattak; Fozia Fozia; Ijaz Ahmad; Muhammad Daud Khan; Salim S. Al-Rejaie; Ziaullah Ziaullah; Marija Milošević
J Water Health (2025) 23 (1): 26–42.

Influence of sewage effluent discharge on putative pathogen community in drinking water sources: insights from full-length 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing
Jie Zeng; Tomohiro Nakanishi; Ayato Hara; Sadahiko Itoh
J Water Health (2025) 23 (1): 43–57.

Climate change and waterborne diseases in temperate regions: a systematic review
Eunice A. Salubi; Zemichael Gizaw; Corinne J. Schuster-Wallace; Alain Pietroniro
J Water Health (2025) 23 (1): 58–78.
