Foto von Zsolt Marton


International Water Association, Specialist Group

Featured Publications

Integrative genome-centric metagenomics for surface water surveillance: Elucidating microbiomes, antimicrobial resistance, and their associations

Water Research, Volume 264, 15 October 2024, 122208.

Xinyang Huang, Magaly Toro, Angélica Reyes-Jara, Andrea I Moreno-Switt, Aiko D Adell, Celso J․B Oliveira, Raquel R Bonelli, Sebastián Gutiérrez, Francisca P Álvarez, Alan Douglas de Lima Rocha, Gabriela B Kraychete, Zhao Chen, Christopher Grim, Eric Brown, Rebecca Bell, Jianghong Meng

Featured Publications

Dissemination and persistence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) along the wastewater-river continuum

Water Research, Volume 264, 15 October 2024, 122204.

Daniel S. Read, H. Soon Gweon, Michael J. Bowes, Muna F. Anjum, Derrick W. Crook, Kevin K. Chau, Liam P. Shaw, Alasdair Hubbard, Manal AbuOun, Holly J. Tipper, Sarah J. Hoosdally, Mark J. Bailey, A. Sarah Walker, Nicole Stoesser, REHAB consortium


Journal of Water and Health, Volume 22 Issue 7, 1 July 2024

Impact of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) interventions on diarrhoeal infections among children in the tribal regions of Palghar: a quasi-experimental study
Angeline Jeyakumar; Bibek Raj Giri; Swapnil Godbharle
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1125–1138.

Occurrence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in household greywater discharged into the environment in Burkina Faso’s Sahel region
Cheik Omar Tidiane Compaoré; Ynoussa Maiga; Sandrine G. Zongo; Mamady Sawadogo; Mahamadi Nikiema; Oumarou Mien; Amidou S. Ouili; Iliassou Mogmenga; Cheik Amadou Tidiane Ouattara; James R. Mihelcic; Aboubakar Sidiki Ouattara
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1139–1152.

Identification of antibiotic-resistant, gram-negative bacteria in sewage and bioaerosols from a wastewater treatment plant: A genotypic and phenotypic study
Luiz Vitor da Silva; Sandra Helena Westrupp Medeiros; Andréa Lima Dos Santos Schneider; Jéssica Caroline dos Santos-Silva; André Luis Fachini Souza; Sandro Augusto Rhoden
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1153–1161.

The application of satellite sensors, current state of utilization, and sources of remote sensing dataset in hydrology for water resource management
Daniel Abegeja
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1162–1179.

Assessing the prevalence of FRNA bacteriophages and their correlation with SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the wastewater of Mumbai city
Dipen Desai; Nishith Desai; Hima Wani; Smita Menon; Zarine Bhathena; Joan B. Rose; Sandhya Shrivastava
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1180–1194.

Screening the presence of cyanotoxin in selected reservoirs in Sri Lanka and employing molecular markers as an advanced alert system
Gayani Yasodara Liyanage; Dilini Sadeepa; Pathmalal Manage
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1195–1208.

Watching the guards: A data-driven method to trigger warnings in national wastewater surveillance networks
Lluís M. Bosch; Josep Pueyo-Ros; Marc Comas-Cufí; Joan Saldaña; Jordi Ripoll; Eusebi Calle; Pau Fonseca i Casas; Joan Garcia i Subirana; Carles M. Borrego; Lluís Corominas
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1209–1221.

Seasonal distributions of Ti-containing NPs in the main tributaries of the Tamsuei River Basin in northern Taiwan
Jou-An Chen; Yen-Tzu Chen; Chia-Hsin Liu; Yaw-Huei Hwang
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1222–1234.

Occurrence and potential environmental risk assessment of alkylphenols and bisphenols in surface water collected in rivers flowing through Bac Ninh, Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Thu; Duong Thi Quynh Mai; Vu Cam Tu; Nguyen Thi Thao; Chu Dinh Binh; Nguyen Hoang Anh; Bui Van Hoi
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1235–1247.

Assessment of the presence of Vibrio cholera and detection of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae in river sources within the Vhembe District Municipality Limpopo province of South Africa
Leonard Kachienga; Mafunise Prosperit; Afsatou Ndama Traore; Natasha Potgieter
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1248–1260.

The effect of using jug-type water filters on selected metals concentration in tap water – a case study
Hubert Kwiatkowski; Ksawery Kreft; Oskar Ronda; Bartłomiej Michał Cieślik
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1261–1270.

Drinking water intake of adults in typical cities in the major river basins of China
Lan Zhang; Shenghua Gao; Can Zhao; Jiayi Han; Bixiong Ye
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1271–1281.

Knowledge, attitude and practice towards water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) among holy water users in Amhara regional state Orthodox churches, Ethiopia, 2024: institutional based cross-sectional study
Kassa Abebaw Tesema; Aysheshim Belaineh Haimanot
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1282–1292.

Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices of mothers and the health status of under-five children: a study from Rural Nayagarh, Odisha
Madhusmita Jena; Bhuputra Panda; Deepanjali Behera; Smrutirekha Mohanty; Manas Ranjan Behera
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1293–1305.

Anthropocentric perspective on climate variability: the destination of antibiotics in the Tigris river is not restricted
Halah H. Al-Haideri; Fikrat M. Hassan; Shaimaa Sattar; Mostafa M. El-Sheekh
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1306–1327.

Different persistence among strains of E. faecalis and E. faecium in sterile treated wastewater microcosms: Effects of temperature and ciprofloxacin
Stina-Mina Ehn Börjesson; Ann-Sofi Rehnstam-Holm
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1328–1336.

Public awareness and concern about harmful algal blooms – United States, 2020
Amy L. Jacobi; Muhammad Thuneibat; Marissa K. Vigar; Candace Rutt; Ashley Andújar; Virginia A. Roberts
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1337–1346.

Featured Publications

Assessing the impact of inland navigation on the faecal pollution status of large rivers: A novel integrated field approach

Water Research, Volume 261, 1 September 2024, 122029.

Sophia D. Steinbacher, Ahmad Ameen, Katalin Demeter, David Lun, Julia Derx, Gerhard Lindner, Regina Sommer, Rita B. Linke, Claudia Kolm, Karen Zuser, Martina Heckel, Andrea Perschl, Günter Blöschl, Alfred P. Blaschke, Alexander K.T. Kirschner, Andreas H. Farnleitner
