Monitoring hospital wastewaters for their probable genotoxicity
Asma Beltifa ; Sana Alibi ; Hedi Ben Mansour
J Water Health (2020) 18 (1): 1–7.
Detection of human fecal pollution in environmental waters using human mitochondrial DNA and correlation with general and human-associated fecal genetic markers
A. B. M. Tanvir Pasha ; Jessica Hinojosa ; Duc Phan ; Adrianne Lopez ; Vikram Kapoor
J Water Health (2020) 18 (1): 8–18.
Selecting rep-PCR markers to source track fecal contamination in Laguna Lake, Philippines
Kevin L. Labrador ; Mae Ashley G. Nacario ; Gicelle T. Malajacan ; Joseth Jermaine M. Abello ; Luiza H. Galarion ; Christopher Rensing ; Windell L. Rivera
Environmental monitoring of Aichi virus and human bocavirus in samples from wastewater treatment plant, drain, and River Nile in Egypt
Mohamed N. F. Shaheen ; Sahar E. Abd El-Daim ; Nehal I. Ahmed ; Elmahdy M. Elmahdy
J Water Health (2020) 18 (1): 30–37.
Occurrence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in river water and sediment of the Mahakam River
Tony Hadibarata ; Risky Ayu Kristanti ; Ahmed Hossam Mahmoud
J Water Health (2020) 18 (1): 38–47.
Impact of fecal contamination on surface water quality in the São Francisco River hydrographic basin in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Marina Salim Dantas ; Josiani Cordova de Oliveira ; Carolina Cristiane Pinto ; Sílvia Corrêa Oliveira
J Water Health (2020) 18 (1): 48–59.
Isolation and molecular identification of free-living amoebae (Naegleria spp., Acanthamoeba spp. and Vermamoeba spp.) from mineral springs in Guilan Province, northern Iran
Mohammad Hossein Feiz Haddad ; Habib Habibpour ; Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi
J Water Health (2020) 18 (1): 60–66.
High quantities of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli are present in the Machángara urban river in Quito, Ecuador
David Ortega-Paredes ; Pedro Barba ; Santiago Mena-López ; Nathaly Espinel ; Verónica Crespo ; Jeannete Zurita
J Water Health (2020) 18 (1): 67–76.
Physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of groundwater in a rural area of Western Niger: a case study of Bonkoukou
Hassane Adamou ; Boubacar Ibrahim ; Seyni Salack ; Rabani Adamou ; Safietou Sanfo ; Stefan Liersch
J Water Health (2020) 18 (1): 77–90.
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