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International Water Association, Specialist Group


Journal of Water and Health, August 2020, Vol. 18, Issue 4

Water quality aspects related to domestic drinking water storage tanks and consideration in current standards and guidelines throughout the world – a review
Irene Slavik; Keila Roberta Oliveira; Peter Batista Cheung; Wolfgang Uhl
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 439–463.

OPEN ACCESS!!! Waterborne diarrhoeal infection risk from multiple water sources and the impact of an earthquake
Yuri Ito; Sadhana Shrestha Malla; Arun Prasad Bhattarai; Eiji Haramoto; Junko Shindo; Kei Nishida
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 464–476.

Inside environmental Clostridium perfringens genomes: antibiotic resistance genes, virulence factors and genomic features
Johannes Cornelius Jacobus Fourie; Cornelius Carlos Bezuidenhout; Tomasz Janusz Sanko; Charlotte Mienie; Rasheed Adeleke
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 477–493.

Solar inactivated Vibrio cholerae induces maturation of JAWS II dendritic cell line in vitro
Cornelius Cano Ssemakalu; Eunice Ubomba-Jaswa; Keolebogile Shirley Caroline Mamotswere Motaung; Michael Pillay
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 494–504.

OPEN ACCESS!!! Social factors shaping the adoption of lead-filtering point-of-use systems: an observational study of an MTurk sample
Noelle Chesley; Helen Meier; Jake Luo; Immaculate Apchemengich; W. Hobart Davies
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 505–521.

Reducing public exposure to common, harmful well water contaminants through targeted outreach to highly susceptible neighborhoods as a method of increasing the likelihood of testing and treatment of water from private wells
Kristi MacDonald; Mara Tippett
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 522–532.

OPEN ACCESS!!! Assessment of exposure of children swimmers to trihalomethanes in an indoor swimming pool
Xiaoshuang Wang; Shaoxia Dong
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 533–544.

OPEN ACCESS!!! The establishment and first experiences of a crisis advisory service for water supplies in Norway
Susanne Hyllestad; Vidar Lund; Karin Nygård; Preben Aavitsland; Line Vold
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 545–555.

OPEN ACCESS!!! Does community-wide water chlorination reduce hepatitis E virus infections during an outbreak? A geospatial analysis of data from an outbreak in Am Timan, Chad (2016–2017)
Annick Lenglet; Lutz Ehlkes; Dawn Taylor; Jean-Francois Fesselet; Jean Noel Nassariman; Abdelkhadir Ahamat; Alexandra Chen; Idriss Noh; Abakar Moustapha; Alexander Spina
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 556–565.

Assessment of natural radioactivity and consequent radiological hazard in different brands of commercialized bottled mineral water produced in China
Lang Yu; Guangwen Feng; Qian Liu; Chao Tang; Baoshan Wu; Peihong Mao; Changlong Cai
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 566–573.

Detection of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in foods of plant origin in North-Western Greece
Hercules Sakkas; Vangelis Economou; Petros Bozidis; Panagiota Gousia; Chrissanthy Papadopoulou; Panagiotis Karanis
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 574–578.

Sub-optimal household water access is associated with greater risk of intimate partner violence against women: evidence from Nepal
Neetu Choudhary; Alexandra Brewis; Amber Wutich; Pranita Bhushan Udas
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 579–594.

OPEN ACCESS!!! Predicting children’s blood lead levels from exposure to school drinking water in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Dawit Debebe; Fiseha Behulu; Zerihun Getaneh
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 595–601.

Coliform bacteria and salt content as drinking water challenges at sand dams in Kenya
Doug Graber Neufeld; Bernard Muendo; Joseph Muli; James Kanyari
J Water Health (2020) 18 (4): 602–612.


2020 Water and Health: Science, Policy and Practice

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

The UNC Water and Health Conference: Science, Policy and Practice will be held October 26 – 30, 2020 virtually from the comfort of your home or office. The conference will explore drinking water supply, sanitation, hygiene and water resources in both developing and developed countries with a strong public health/COVID-19 emphasis. 

Please check the following link for details:
