Water Research, Volume 184, 1 October 2020, 116109.
Warish Ahmed, Sudhi Payyappat, Michele Cassidy, Nathan Harrison, Oswald Marinoni, Colin Besley
International Water Association, Specialist Group
Water Research, Volume 184, 1 October 2020, 116109.
Warish Ahmed, Sudhi Payyappat, Michele Cassidy, Nathan Harrison, Oswald Marinoni, Colin Besley
Water Research, Volume 184, 1 October 2020, 116132.
Christina Frick, Julia Vierheilig, Theodossia Nadiotis-Tsaka, Simone Ixenmaier, Rita Linke, Georg H. Reischer, Jürgen Komma, Alexander K. T. Kirschner, Robert L. Mach, Domenico Savio, Dagmar Seidl, Alfred P. Blaschke, Regina Sommer, Julia Derx, Andreas H. Farnleitner
Water Research, Volume 184, 1 October 2020, 116160.
Camille McCall, Huiyun Wu, Brijen Miyani, Irene Xagoraraki
Water Research, Volume 184, 1 October 2020, 116181.
Janelle R. Thompson, Yarlagadda V. Nancharaiah, Xiaoqiong Gu, Wei Lin Lee, Verónica B. Rajal, Monamie B Haines, Rosina Girones, Lee Ching Ng, Eric J. Alm, Stefan Wuertz
OPEN ACCESS!!! COVID-19: urgent actions, critical reflections and future relevance of ‘WaSH’: lessons for the current and future pandemics
Guy Howard; Jamie Bartram; Clarissa Brocklehurst; John M. Colford, Jr; Federico Costa; David Cunliffe; Robert Dreibelbis; Joseph Neil Spindel Eisenberg; Barbara Evans; Rosina Girones Steve Hrudey; Juliet Willetts; Caradee Y. Wright
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 613–630.
OPEN ACCESS!!! Quality change mechanism and drinking safety of repeatedly-boiled water and prolonged-boil water: a comparative study
Yuanzheng Zhai; Jingwen Yang; Yaguang Zhu; Qingqing Du; Wenzhen Yuan; Hong Lu
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 631–653.
Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in drinking water fountains in urban parks
Geyse A. C. Santos; Milena Dropa; Solange M. Rocha; Francisca A. S. Peternella; Maria Tereza Pepe Razzolini J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 654–664.
Bacterial community evolution along full-scale municipal wastewater treatment processes
Lei Zhang; Yanan Cheng; Chang Qian; Wenxuan Lu
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 665–680.
Evaluation of bottled water quality by determining nitrate concentration
María Susana Fortunato; Ana Julieta González; María Florencia Tellechea; Mariano Humberto Reynoso; Favia Vallejos; Andrea Natalia Donaire; Sonia Edith Korol; Alfredo Gallego
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 681–691.
Water safety in drought: an indigenous knowledge-based qualitative study
Azadeh Fatehpanah; Katayoun Jahangiri; Seyed Hesam Seyedin; Amir Kavousi; Hossein Malekinezhad J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 692–703.
An investigation of the possible scenarios for the optimal locating of quality sensors in the water distribution networks with uncertain contamination
Hamideh Jafari; Taher Rajaee; Sara Nazif
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 704–721.
Water desalination, serum magnesium and dementia: a population-based study
Sara Ben Zaken; Or Simantov; Avraham Abenstein; Zorian Radomysky; Gideon Koren
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 722–727.
OPEN ACCESS!!! Inorganic contaminants in Canadian First Nation community water systems
Kaycie Lane; Benjamin F. Trueman; Javier Locsin; Graham A. Gagnon J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 728–740.
Variability of water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions and the potential infection risk following cesarean delivery in rural Rwanda
Katharine Ann Robb; Caste Habiyakare; Fredrick Kateera; Theoneste Nkurunziza; Leila Dusabe; Marthe Kubwimana; Brittany Powell; Rachel Koch; Magdalena Gruendl; Patient Ngamije Robert Riviello; Bethany Hedt-Gauthier
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 741–752.
Prevalence, antibiotic resistance and virulence of Enterococcus spp. from wastewater treatment plant effluent and receiving waters in South Africa
L. G. Molale-Tom; C. C. Bezuidenhout J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 753–765.
OPEN ACCESS!!! Impact of wave action and rainfall on incidence and antibiotic resistance of total coliforms in Southern California beaches
Rebecca Hernandez; Ismael Acedo; Jesse G. Dillon J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 766–775.
Molecular detection of Acanthamoeba spp. in Seven Crater Lakes of Laguna, Philippines
Lea D. Ballares; Frederick R. Masangkay; Joseph Dionisio; Oliver Villaflores; Maria Ruth Pineda-Cortel; Giovanni D. Milanez J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 776–784.
Trends in access to water and sanitation in Malawi: progress and inequalities (1992–2017)
Alexandra Cassivi; Elizabeth Tilley; E. O. D. Waygood; Caetano Dorea
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 785–797.
Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) factors associated with growth between birth and 1 year of age in children in Soweto, South Africa: results from the Soweto Baby WASH study
D. J. Momberg; L. E. Voth-Gaeddert; B. C. Ngandu; L. Richter; J. May; S. A. Norris; R. Said-Mohamed
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 798–819.
Molecular detection of opportunistic pathogens and insights into microbial diversity in private well water and premise plumbing
Jia Xue; Bowen Zhang; Jennifer Lamori; Kinjal Shah; Jovanny Zabaleta; Jone Garai; Christopher M. Taylor; Samendra P. Sherchan
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 820–834.
Association between concentrations of chromium in drinking water and mortality due to suicide in Alabama
Caitlyn C. Whitaker; Marshall E. Cates; Danielle L. Cruthirds; Gregory S. Gorman
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 835–842.
OPEN ACCESS!!! Chemical disinfectants of COVID-19: an overview
Mohammad Hussein Al-Sayah
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 843–848.
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-positive Escherichia coli presence in urban aquatic environments in Kanpur, India
Ann Johnson; Olivia Ginn; Aaron Bivins; Lucas Rocha-Melogno; Sachchida Nand Tripathi; Joe Brown
J Water Health (2020) 18 (5): 849–854.
Global Water Pathogen Project Special Newsletter
October 20, 2020
Global Water Pathogen Project
Newsletter Vol. 6, Issue 7
October 14, 2020
Water Research, Volume 185, 15 October 2020, 116280.
Prakit Saingam, Bo Li, Tao Yan
Water Research, Volume 185, 15 October 2020, 116269.
J. P. S. Sidhu, V. V. S. R. Gupta, C. Stange, J. Ho, N. Harris, K. Barry, D. Gonzalez, J. D. Van Nostrand, J. Zhou, D. Page, A. Tiehm, S. Toze
Water Research, Volume 185, 15 October 2020, 116229.
Bernard J. Phiri, Anthony B. Pita, David T. S. Hayman, Patrick. J. Biggs, Meredith T. Davis, Ahmed Fayaz, Adam D. Canning, Nigel P .French, Russell G. Death
Water Research, Volume 185, 15 October 2020, 116127.
Li-Guan Li, Qi Huang, Xiaole Yin, Tong Zhang
Water Research, Volume 185, 15 October 2020, 116290.
Haichao Wang, Jin Wang, Shuming Li, Guoyu Ding, Kun Wang, Tao Zhuang, Xue Huang, Xiaoyue Wang
Water Research, Volume 185, 15 October 2020, 116241.
Ya-nan Zhang, Tingting Zhang, Haiyang Liu, Jiao Qu, Chao Li, Jingwen Chen, Willie J. G. M. Peijnenburg
Water Research, Volume 185, 15 October 2020, 116232.
Wenping Wang, Kexin Ren, Huihuang Chen, Xiaofei Gao, Regin Rønn, Jun Yang
Water Research, Volume 185, 15 October 2020, 116226.
Ángela García-Gil, María Jesús Abeledo-Lameiro, Hipólito Gómez-Couso, Javier Marugán
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