Journal of Water and Health, Volume 22 Issue 7, 1 July 2024


Impact of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) interventions on diarrhoeal infections among children in the tribal regions of Palghar: a quasi-experimental study
Angeline Jeyakumar; Bibek Raj Giri; Swapnil Godbharle
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1125–1138.

Occurrence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in household greywater discharged into the environment in Burkina Faso’s Sahel region
Cheik Omar Tidiane Compaoré; Ynoussa Maiga; Sandrine G. Zongo; Mamady Sawadogo; Mahamadi Nikiema; Oumarou Mien; Amidou S. Ouili; Iliassou Mogmenga; Cheik Amadou Tidiane Ouattara; James R. Mihelcic; Aboubakar Sidiki Ouattara
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1139–1152.

Identification of antibiotic-resistant, gram-negative bacteria in sewage and bioaerosols from a wastewater treatment plant: A genotypic and phenotypic study
Luiz Vitor da Silva; Sandra Helena Westrupp Medeiros; Andréa Lima Dos Santos Schneider; Jéssica Caroline dos Santos-Silva; André Luis Fachini Souza; Sandro Augusto Rhoden
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1153–1161.

The application of satellite sensors, current state of utilization, and sources of remote sensing dataset in hydrology for water resource management
Daniel Abegeja
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1162–1179.

Assessing the prevalence of FRNA bacteriophages and their correlation with SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the wastewater of Mumbai city
Dipen Desai; Nishith Desai; Hima Wani; Smita Menon; Zarine Bhathena; Joan B. Rose; Sandhya Shrivastava
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1180–1194.

Screening the presence of cyanotoxin in selected reservoirs in Sri Lanka and employing molecular markers as an advanced alert system
Gayani Yasodara Liyanage; Dilini Sadeepa; Pathmalal Manage
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1195–1208.

Watching the guards: A data-driven method to trigger warnings in national wastewater surveillance networks
Lluís M. Bosch; Josep Pueyo-Ros; Marc Comas-Cufí; Joan Saldaña; Jordi Ripoll; Eusebi Calle; Pau Fonseca i Casas; Joan Garcia i Subirana; Carles M. Borrego; Lluís Corominas
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1209–1221.

Seasonal distributions of Ti-containing NPs in the main tributaries of the Tamsuei River Basin in northern Taiwan
Jou-An Chen; Yen-Tzu Chen; Chia-Hsin Liu; Yaw-Huei Hwang
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1222–1234.

Occurrence and potential environmental risk assessment of alkylphenols and bisphenols in surface water collected in rivers flowing through Bac Ninh, Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Thu; Duong Thi Quynh Mai; Vu Cam Tu; Nguyen Thi Thao; Chu Dinh Binh; Nguyen Hoang Anh; Bui Van Hoi
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1235–1247.

Assessment of the presence of Vibrio cholera and detection of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae in river sources within the Vhembe District Municipality Limpopo province of South Africa
Leonard Kachienga; Mafunise Prosperit; Afsatou Ndama Traore; Natasha Potgieter
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1248–1260.

The effect of using jug-type water filters on selected metals concentration in tap water – a case study
Hubert Kwiatkowski; Ksawery Kreft; Oskar Ronda; Bartłomiej Michał Cieślik
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1261–1270.

Drinking water intake of adults in typical cities in the major river basins of China
Lan Zhang; Shenghua Gao; Can Zhao; Jiayi Han; Bixiong Ye
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1271–1281.

Knowledge, attitude and practice towards water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) among holy water users in Amhara regional state Orthodox churches, Ethiopia, 2024: institutional based cross-sectional study
Kassa Abebaw Tesema; Aysheshim Belaineh Haimanot
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1282–1292.

Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices of mothers and the health status of under-five children: a study from Rural Nayagarh, Odisha
Madhusmita Jena; Bhuputra Panda; Deepanjali Behera; Smrutirekha Mohanty; Manas Ranjan Behera
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1293–1305.

Anthropocentric perspective on climate variability: the destination of antibiotics in the Tigris river is not restricted
Halah H. Al-Haideri; Fikrat M. Hassan; Shaimaa Sattar; Mostafa M. El-Sheekh
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1306–1327.

Different persistence among strains of E. faecalis and E. faecium in sterile treated wastewater microcosms: Effects of temperature and ciprofloxacin
Stina-Mina Ehn Börjesson; Ann-Sofi Rehnstam-Holm
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1328–1336.

Public awareness and concern about harmful algal blooms – United States, 2020
Amy L. Jacobi; Muhammad Thuneibat; Marissa K. Vigar; Candace Rutt; Ashley Andújar; Virginia A. Roberts
J Water Health (2024) 22 (7): 1337–1346.

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