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International Water Association, Specialist Group


Journal of Water and Health, June 2019, Vol. 17, Issue 3

Role of filtration in managing the risk from Cryptosporidium in commercial swimming pools – a review
Martin Wood, Lester Simmonds, Jitka MacAdam, Francis Hassard, Peter Jarvis, Rachel M. Chalmers
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 357-370.

Human urine contamination with environmental pollutants: simultaneous determination using UPLC-MS/MS
Asma Beltifa, Monia Machreki, Asma Ghorbel, Afifa Belaid, Emna Smaoui, Feriele Messadi Akrout, Giuseppa Di Bella, Nezar H. Khdary, Tim Reyns, Hedi Ben Mansour Joris Van Loco
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 371-379.

Virulence determinants in genetically heterogeneous populations of Aeromonads recovered from an urban lagoon
Mariana de Melo Rodrigues Sobral, Camila Barreto, Kayo Bianco, Samara Sant’Anna de Oliveira, Maysa Mandetta Clementino
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 380-392.

Application of high-throughput 16S rRNA sequencing to identify fecal contamination sources and to complement the detection of fecal indicator bacteria in rural groundwater
Paul Naphtali, Mahi M. Mohiuddin, Athanasios Paschos, Herb E. Schellhorn
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 393-403.

Sign-constrained linear regression for prediction of microbe concentration based on water quality datasets
Tsuyoshi Kato, Ayano Kobayashi, Wakana Oishi, Syun-suke Kadoya, Satoshi Okabe, Naoya Ohta, Mohan Amarasiri, Daisuke Sano
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 404-415.

Finding Sarcocystis spp. on the Tioman Island: 28S rRNA gene next-generation sequencing reveals nine new Sarcocystis species
Florence C. H. Lee
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 416-427.

Variations in sensitivity to chlorine in Ecuador and US consumers: implications for community water systems
Jacob Stout, Donald J. Tellinghuisen, David B. Wunder, Chad D. Tatko, Bruce V. Rydbeck
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 428-441.

Occurrence of norovirus genogroups I and II in recreational water from four beaches in Belém city, Brazilian Amazon region
Danielle Rodrigues de Deus, Dielle Monteiro Teixeira, Jainara Cristina dos Santos Alves, Vanessa Cavaleiro Smith, Renato da Silva Bandeira, Jones Anderson Monteiro Siqueira, Lena Líllian Canto de Sá Morais, Hugo Reis Resque, Yvone Benchimol Gabbay
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 442-454.

Toward a comprehensive explanatory model of reliance on alternatives to the tap: evidence from California’s retail water stores
Gregory Pierce, Larry Lai
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 455-462.

Emerging pathogens and deliberate attacks on European water supplies: a scenario planning workshop
Julii Brainard, Charlotte C. Hammer, Maha Bouzid, Paul R. Hunter, the Aquavalens Consortium
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 463-476.

Occurrence and distribution of pharmaceuticals in raw, finished, and drinking water from seven large river basins in China
Jia Lv, Lan Zhang, Yongyan Chen, Bixiong Ye, Jiayi Han, Ning Jin
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 477-489.

Assessment, control, and prevention of microbiological and chemical hazards in seasonal swimming pools of the Versilia district (Tuscany, central Italy)
Michele Totaro, Orlando Vaselli, Barbara Nisi, Lorenzo Frendo, Jacopo Cabassi, Sara Profeti, Paola Valentini, Beatrice Casini, Gaetano Privitera, Angelo Baggiani
J Water Health (2019) 17 (3): 490-498.
