Foto von Zsolt Marton


International Water Association, Specialist Group


A postdoc position at Rice University

The specific goals of the project are to understand:
(1) what conditions promote genetic mobilization of antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater communities?
(2) which community members are critical to the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes to pathogens?

Details are HERE.

Featured Publications

Evaluation of multiple laboratory performance and variability in analysis of recreational freshwaters by a rapid Escherichia coli qPCR method (Draft Method C)

Water Research, Volume 156, 1 June 2019, Pages 465-474.

Tiong  Gim Aw, Mano Sivaganesan, Shannon Briggs, Erin Dreelin, Asli Aslan, Samuel Dorevitch, Abhilasha Shrestha, Natasha Isaacs, Julie Kinzelman, Greg Kleinheinz, Rachel Noble, Rick Rediske, Brian Scullk, Susan Rosenberg, Barbara Weberman, Tami Sivy, Ben Southwell, Shawn Siefring, Kevin Oshima, Richard Haugland

Featured Publications

Standardized data quality acceptance criteria for a rapid Escherichia coli qPCR method (Draft Method C) for water quality monitoring at recreational beaches

Water Research, Volume 156, 1 June 2019, Pages 456-464.

Mano Sivaganesan, Tiong  Gim Aw, Shannon Briggs, Erin Dreelin, Asli Aslan, Samuel Dorevitch, Abhilasha Shrestha, Natasha Isaacs, Julie Kinzelman, Greg Kleinheinz, Rachel Noble, Rick Rediske, Brian Scull, Susan Rosenberg, Barbara Weberman, Tami Sivy, Ben Southwell, Shawn Siefring, Kevin Oshima, Richard Haugland


Five scholarships for WaterMicro2019 participation

Five scholarships for authors of best abstract from developing countries will be funded by our SG HRWM. The bursary includes free registration fee and a financial support of EUR 1,500. Submit your abstract on-line ( and send your application and CV via email by Apr. 22nd to:
