Foto von Zsolt Marton


International Water Association, Specialist Group


A postdoctoral scholar offer from Kyle Bibby

A postdoctoral scholar is sought to support the National Science Foundation
funded Research Coordination Network on wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2.

Please find details from the following link:


Journal of Water and Health, June 2020, Vol. 18, Issue 3

Pharmaceuticals’ removal by constructed wetlands: a critical evaluation and meta-analysis on performance, risk reduction, and role of physicochemical properties on removal mechanisms
Huma Ilyas; Ilyas Masih; Eric D. van Hullebusch

Quantifying public health risks from exposure to waterborne pathogens during river bathing as a basis for reduction of disease burden
M. M. Majedul Islam; Md. Atikul Islam

Design and implementation of water purification system based on deep ultraviolet light emitting diodes and a multi-pass geometry reactor
Pallabi Pramanik; Shaswati Das; Arghya Adhikary; Chirasree Roy Chaudhuri; Anirban Bhattacharyya

Cyanobacteria – insidious foe of the skin?
Damjana Drobac Backović; Nada Tokodi; Borislava Nikolin; Zorica Svirčev

A risk-based evaluation of onsite, non-potable reuse systems developed in compliance with conventional water quality measures
Mary E. Schoen; Michael A. Jahne; Jay Garland

Next Day Legionella PCR: a highly reliable negative screen for Legionella in the built environment
Katherine E. Fisher; Leah P. Wickenberg; Lesley F. Leonidas; Anna A. Ranz; Michelle A. Habib; Rafael M. Buford; William F. McCoy

Estimating the malaria transmission over the Indian subcontinent in a warming environment using a dynamical malaria model
Shweta Chaturvedi; Suneet Dwivedi

Fate of Ascaris at various pH, temperature and moisture levels
Jenna Senecal; Annika Nordin; Björn Vinnerås

Shotgun metagenomics reveals differences in antibiotic resistance genes among bacterial communities in Western Balkans glacial lakes sediments
Brankica Filipic; Katarina Novovic; David J. Studholme; Milka Malesevic; Nemanja Mirkovic; Milan Kojic; Branko Jovcic

Factors associated with adherence to safe water chain practices among refugees in Pagirinya refugee settlement, Northern Uganda
Thomas Mugumya; John Bosco Isunju; Tonny Ssekamatte; Solomon Tsebeni Wafula; Richard K. Mugambe

Rotavirus contamination of surface waters from the northwest of Argentina
Verónica Emilse Prez; Hugo Ramiro Poma; Georgina Gisela Giordano; Matías Victoria; Silvia Viviana Nates; Verónica Beatriz Rajal; Patricia Angélica Barril

Child undernutrition in households with microbiologically safer drinking water and ‘improved water’ in Tanna, Vanuatu
Alexandra L. Morrison; Hanneke Lewthwaite; Lisa A. Houghton; Daniel Sum Jimmy Nasak; Katrina J. Sharples; Peter Brown; John A. Crump; Susan J. Jack

Diversity, virulence and antibiogram traits of Escherichia coli recovered from potable water sources in Gharbia, Egypt
Walid Elmonir; Etab Mohamed Abo Remela; Yasmine Alwakil


International web conference “Pool and Spa in time of Covid-19”

Monday 22.06.2020: Web conference “Pool and Spa in time of Covid-19”. 15:00 – 18:00 CEST


Registration advice: without an Italian fiscal, you can type an “x” in all mandatory financial fields (16x an “x” in the fiscal code field).

We would also like to know what the guidelines for swimming pools are in the different countries. To do this, you can fill in the questionnaire online (or ask someone from your network to do it for you). Federica will present the results of this questionnaire during the conference.

You can see the program from here:


Project Researcher Position, Research Center for Water Environment Technology, the University of Tokyo

Research Center for Water Environment Technology (RECWET), Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo is looking for a post-doc researcher who will be involved in either one of the following studies. While the post-doc takes part in one of the research divisions, he/she is supposed to actively interact with the other divisions as well as the other researchers in the university.

(1) Division on Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development
(2) Division on Water System Management
(3) Division on International Water Environment

You can find details of this post from HERE.
