Water Research, Volume 252, 15 March 2024, 121235.
Jinxian Yu, Huijie Lu, Lizhong Zhu
International Water Association, Specialist Group
Water Research, Volume 252, 15 March 2024, 121235.
Jinxian Yu, Huijie Lu, Lizhong Zhu
Water Research, Volume 252, 15 March 2024, 121186.
Wolfgang Seis, Marie-Claire Ten Veldhuis, Pascale Rouault, David Steffelbauer, Gertjan Medema
Water Research, Volume 252, 15 March 2024, 121192.
Kássia Vidal Menezes, Carlos Eduardo de Souza Duarte, Myleny Goularte Moreira, Talita de Jesus Cattem Moreno, Vitor José da Silva Pereira, João Gilberto Meza Ucella-Filho, Marcelo Henrique Otenio, Mariana Drummond Costa Ignacchiti, Juliana Alves Resende
Water Research, Volume 252, 15 March 2024, 121223.
Lene Wulff Krogsgaard, Guido Benedetti, Aina Gudde, Stine Raith Richter, Lasse Dam Rasmussen, Sofie Elisabeth Midgley, Amanda Gammelby Qvesel, Maarten Nauta, Naja Stolberg Bahrenscheer, Lene von Kappelgaard, Oliver McManus, Nicco Claudio Hansen, Jan Bryla Pedersen, Danny Haimes, Jesper Gamst, Louise Solveig Nørgaard, Alissa Carina Udi Jørgensen, Ditte Møller Ejegod, Simone Skjødt Møller, Jes Clauson-Kaas, Ida Marie Knudsen, Kristina Træholt Franck, Steen Ethelberg
Water Research, Volume 252, 15 March 2024, 121178.
Katelyn Plaisier Leisman, Christopher Owen, Maria M. Warns, Anuj Tiwari, George (Zhixin) Bian, Sarah M. Owens, Charlie Catlett, Abhilasha Shrestha, Rachel Poretsky, Aaron I. Packman, Niall M. Mangan
Water Research, Volume 252, 15 March 2024, 121208.
Qing Yan, Zhengzheng Zhong, Xiaoyan Li, Zhaoyun Cao, Xiaolong Zheng, Guozhong Feng
Water Research, Volume 252, 15 March 2024, 121242.
Joe Heffron, Maryam Samsami, Samantha Juedemann, Jennifer Lavin, Shadi Tavakoli Nick, Burney A. Kieke Jr, Brooke K. Mayer
Water Research, Volume 251, 1 March 2024, 121090.
Zhenglu Wang, Min Cai, Peng Du, Xiqing Li
Water Research, Volume 251, 1 March 2024, 121103.
XiaoJun Zuo, SongHu Zhang, ShaoJie Chen
Water Research, Volume 251, 1 March 2024, 121165.
Siobhon Egan, Amanda D. Barbosa, Yaoyu Feng, Lihua Xiao, Una Ryan
Implementing risk-based approaches to improve drinking water quality in small water supplies in the Nordic region – barriers and solutions
Maria J. Gunnarsdottir; Sigurdur M. Gardarsson; Magnus Eriksson; Hans-Jörgen Albrechtsen; Kim Steve Gerlach Bergkvist; Pekka M. Rossi; Riikka Matilainen; Lisbeth Truelstrup Hansen; Pernille Erland Jensen; Judith Y. A. Maréchal; Mette Myrmel; Frida Celius Kalheim; Kenneth M. Persson; August Bjerkén; Jamie Bartram
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1747–1760.
Development of a tool to support operationalising water safety plans: experiences from a national water utility in Ghana
David Sheehan; Phillip Fasham; Rory Moses McKeown; Asoka Jayaratne
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1761–1771.
Experiences from integrating water and sanitation safety planning in small systems in rural Serbia
Harold van den Berg; Bettina Rickert; Jerome Lock-Wah-Hoon; Dragana Jovanovic; Sanja Bijelovic; Snezana Gligorijevic; Vesna Karadzic; Milena Vasic; Ana Maria de Roda Husman
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1772–1783.
Sanitary inspection and microbial health risks associated with enteric bacteria in groundwater sources in Ilara-Mokin and Ibule-Soro, Nigeria
Adewale Oluwasogo Olalemi; Roseline Atiba; Sally Weston; Guy Howard
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1784–1794.
A critical review of risk matrices used in water safety planning: improving risk matrix construction
Kaycie Lane; Steve E. Hrudey
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1795–1811.
Operationalising water safety plans for Melbourne – a large city case study
Asoka Jayaratne; Mellisa Steele; Melita Stevens; Kate van Lieshout; Luke Curran; Matthew Higginbotham; Toby Prosser; Luke Dickson; Kim Mosse; Anthea McManemin
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1812–1833.
E. coli contamination of drinking water sources in rural and urban settings: an analysis of 38 nationally representative household surveys (2014–2021)
Thiago M. Santos; Andrea Wendt; Carolina V. N. Coll; Meghan A. Bohren; Aluisio J. D. Barros
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1834–1846.
Tritium contents in drinking and surface seawaters before the nuclear power plant planned in Sinop (Türkiye) and their radiological risks on human population
Serdar Dizman; Feyza Zeynep Aşık; Ali Erdem Özçelik; Recep Keser; Filiz Korkmaz Görür
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1847–1857.
Isolation and identification of antimicrobial susceptibility, biofilm formation, efflux pump activity, and virulence determinants in multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from freshwater fishes
Kummari Suresh; Devika Pillai; Manju Soman; Akula Sreenivas; Robin Paul
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1858–1870.
Waste materials composited into an adsorbent for landfill leachate treatment
K. K. P. S. Kumara; W. K. C. Neetha Dayanthi
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1871–1897.
Short-term impacts of a large cultural event on the microbial pollution status of a pre-alpine river
Melanie Leopold; Nikola Krlovic; Michael Schagerl; Jakob Schelker; Alexander K. T. Kirschner
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1898–1907.
Chemical risks in drinking water of inhabitants in the basin of the Tonle Sap Great Lake
Kongkea Phan; Sophanith Hoeng; Samnang Phin; Noreaksatya The; Tharith Sriv; Vibol Sao; Chan Oeurn Chey
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1908–1921.
Hydrogen peroxide preoxidation as a strategy for enhanced antimicrobial photodynamic action against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Kamila Jessie Sammarro Silva; Alessandra Ramos Lima; Lucas Danilo Dias; Mariana de Souza; Thalita Hellen Nunes Lima; Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato
J Water Health (2023) 21 (12): 1922–1932.
Surveillance of Naegleria fowleri in Louisiana’s public water systems
Lauren Ward; Samendra P. Sherchan
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1627–1631.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever: a growing global menace
Shakeela Parveen; Zainab Riaz; Saba Saeed; Urwah Ishaque; Mehwish Sultana; Zunaira Faiz; Zainab Shafqat; Saman Shabbir; Sana Ashraf; Amna Marium
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1632–1650.
Effect of handwashing on the reduction of Escherichia coli on children’s hands in an urban slum Indonesia
Mahmud Aditya Rifqi; Umi Hamidah; Neni Sintawardani; Hidenori Harada; Sikopo Nyambe; Akira Sai; Taro Yamauchi
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1651–1662.
Dual system of water safety plan auditing in Hungary: benefits and lessons learnt
Zsuzsanna Bufa-Dőrr; Ágnes Sebestyén; Bálint Izsák; Oliver Schmoll; Tamás Pándics; Márta Vargha
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1663–1675.
Effects of the nutrient inhibition on the yield of DBPFPs by Microcystis aeruginosa
Liu Zhiquan; Huang Rui; Wang Zhu; Cui Fuyi; Hu Chun
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1676–1685.
Hospital waste incinerator ash: characteristics, treatment techniques, and applications (A review)
Nuseibah Abd Alhameed El-Amaireh; Habis Al-Zoubi; Omar Ali Al-Khashman
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1686–1702.
Analysis and risk assessment of pharmaceutical residues in fish from three water bodies in Ghana
Albert Ebo Duncan; Christian Adokoh; Martha Osei-Marfo; Samuel Barnie; Aboagye George Sakyi; Josephe Adjei
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1703–1715.
Comparison of 17β-estradiol, bisphenol-A and caffeine concentration levels before and after the water treatment plant
Graziela Taís Schmitt; Marcelo Oliveira Caetano; Vinícius Martins Marques; Amanda Gonçalves Kieling; Marie Launay; Lilia Itzel Acosta Muñiz; Luciana Paulo Gomes
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1716–1726.
Prevalence and genetic distribution of Legionella spp. in public bath facilities in Kobe City, Japan
Shoko Komatsu; Shinobu Tanaka; Noriko Nakanishi
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1727–1734.
First report of Acanthamoebae spp. isolation from a volcanic mud spring in the Philippines
Crisselle Marie Celis; Isabella Marie Caburnay; Fritz Irish Avila; Hannah Mica Conol; Aleli Cuevas; Maria Angela Cunan; J Piolo Blanco; Kenneth Bryan Banal; Ma. Frieda Z. Hapan; Edilberto P. Manahan; Mark F. F. E. Padua; Frederick R. Masangkay; Giovanni D. Jesus Milanez
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1735–1740.
Water containers and the preferable conditions for laying eggs by Aedes mosquitoes in Maros Regency, South of Sulawesi, Indonesia
Made Agus Nurjana; Yuyun Srikandi; Tri Juni Wijatmiko; Nurul Hidayah; Rina Isnawati; Octaviani Octaviani; Gunawan Gunawan; Samarang Samarang; Meiske Elisabeth Koraang; Hayani Anastasia; Ningsi Ningsi
J Water Health (2023) 21 (11): 1741–1746.
Water, sanitation and hygiene challenges of forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in Rohingya camps in Bangladesh
Khusnur Jahan Shapna; Kamrul Hasan; Kazi Humayun Kabir; Jianfeng Li; Md. Lokman Hossain
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1385–1403.
Misjudging drinking water quality risk: Adopting a barrier approach for meaningful risk assessment to address latent risks
Richard Walker
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1404–1420.
Waterborne transmission of protozoan parasites: a review of worldwide outbreaks – an update 2017–2022
Pavlina Bourli; Aida Vafae Eslahi; Ourania Tzoraki; Panagiotis Karanis
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1421–1447.
lmplementation of a national regulatory framework for drinking water safety plans in Uruguay
Jose M. P. Vieira; Sandra Rodríguez; Paula Suarez; Ricardo Kramer
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1448–1459.
Identification of some microbial flora contained in slaughterhouse effluent and likely to be effective in its treatment by biological process
Esther Maurelle Ngouyamnsa Ghenmi; Djonga Weldi Gnowe; Eric Noubissie; Guy Bertrand Noumi; Ali Ahmed
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1460–1469.
Contamination, ecological, and human health risks of heavy metals in water from a Pb–Zn–F mining area, North Eastern Nigeria
Adeniyi JohnPaul Adewumi; Temitope Ayodeji Laniyan
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1470–1488.
Classification of bottled waters marketed and consumed in Algeria through statistical approaches
Khadidja Ketrouci; Mohammed Meddi; Naouel Bouregba; Imene Zatout; Asmae Rezki
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1489–1502.
Temporal and spatial variations of disinfection by-products in South Taihu’s drinking water, Zhejiang Province, China
Tao Liu; Min Zhang; Dong Wen; Yun Fu; Jianhua Yao; Guojian Shao; Zhang Peng
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1503–1517.
Genotypic detection of β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolates obtained from Seven Crater Lakes of San Pablo, Laguna, Philippines
Diana Rose D. Mamawal; Jonah David V. Calayo; Kherson P. Gandola; Mae Ashley G. Nacario; Mark Raymond A. Vejano; Laurice Beatrice Raphaelle O. dela Peña; Windell L. Rivera
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1518–1529.
Assessing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices and their association with diarrhoea in under-five children in urban Chandernagore: Community-based evidence from a small municipal corporation in Hooghly District of West Bengal, India
Sayantani Chatterjee; Debojyoti Majumder; M. N. Roy
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1530–1549.
Water quality monitoring in southern Brazil and the assessment of risk factors related to contamination by coliforms and Escherichia coli
Nathalia Geovana Nascimento Santos; Luana Carvalho Silva; Gustavo Henrique Migliorini Guidone; Victor Hugo Montini; Bruno Henrique Dias Oliva; Arthur Bossi Nascimento; Diana Nara Ribeiro de Sousa; Emília Kiyomi Kuroda; Sergio Paulo Dejato Rocha
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1550–1561.
When the implementation of water safety plans fail: rethinking the approach to water safety planning following a serious waterborne outbreak and implications for subsequent water sector reforms
Jim Graham; Kathryn Russell; Brent Gilpin
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1562–1571.
Isolation and genotyping of Acanthamoeba species and Vahlkampfiidae in the harsh environmental conditions in the centre of Iran
Azam Pourabbasi Ardekan; Maryam Niyyati; Reza Saberi; Leyli Zanjirani Farahani; Marziye Fatemi
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1572–1579.
Comparison of four commercial immunomagnetic separation kits for the detection of Cryptosporidium
Jeanne Claudeen Arona; Timothy J. Hall; Flyn Mckinnirey; Fei Deng
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1580–1590.
Efficacy of combined disinfection with a nitric oxide donor in controlling biofilm formation on the reverse osmosis water pathway for hemodialysis
Yoshihiro Tange; Ayane Murata; Shigenori Yoshitake
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1591–1599.
Effects of disinfection by-products in swimming pool environments on the immunological mechanisms of respiratory diseases
Bo-Ae Lee
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1600–1610.
First report of free-living amoebae in sewage treatment plants in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil
Thaisla Cristiane Borella da Silva; Daniel Leal dos Santos; Marilise Brittes Rott
J Water Health (2023) 21 (10): 1611–1624.
More movement with manure: increased mobility of erythromycin through agricultural soil in the presence of manure
Christine B. Georgakakos; Carmen Enid Martínez; Damian E. Helbling; M. Todd Walter
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1143–1157.
Performance evaluation of biocoagulant for the effective removal of turbidity and microbial pathogens from drinking water
Zenebe Nigussie; Nigus Gabbiye Habtu
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1158–1176.
Groundwater vulnerability assessment of nitrate pollution in the Ankang Basin: using an optimized DRASTIC-LY method
Tian Hui; Xiao Changlai; Xu Honggen; Liang Xiujuan; Qian Jianli; Qiao Longtan; Zhang Weilong; Zhang Hong
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1177–1192.
Health risk assessment of nitrate pollution of drinking groundwater in rural areas of Suihua, China
Qifa Sun; Ke Yang; Tao Liu; Junbo Yu; Chunhai Li; Dexian Yang; Chen Hu; Lin Guo
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1193–1208.
Community intervention trial for estimating risk of acute gastrointestinal illness from groundwater-supplied non-disinfected drinking water
Mark A. Borchardt; Burney A. Kieke, Jr.; Susan K. Spencer; Elisabetta Lambertini; Tucker R. Burch; Frank J. Loge
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1209–1227.
Sunlight photolysis of SARS-CoV-2 N1 gene target in the water environment: considerations for the environmental surveillance of wastewater-impacted surface waters
Fiona B. Dunn; Andrea I. Silverman
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1228–1241.
Modeled and measured SARS-CoV-2 virus in septic tank systems for wastewater surveillance
Dong Li; Hunter Quon; Jared Ervin; Sunny Jiang; Diego Rosso; Laurie C. Van De Werfhorst; Brandon Steets; Patricia A. Holden
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1242–1256.
Effect of Kangen and reverse osmosis water on dental plaque, salivary pH and salivary Streptococcus mutans counts: a randomized-controlled trial (A preliminary study)
Ananta Kusumakar; Zainab Akram; Mahesh Ravindra Khairnar; Sachin Kumar Jadhav; Harloveen Sabharwal; Savitha Priyadarsini S; Naveen Kumar PG
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1257–1263.
Rapidly developed, optimized, and applied wastewater surveillance system for real-time monitoring of low-incidence, high-impact MPOX outbreak
Chandler H. Wong; Zhihao Zhang; Walaa Eid; Julio Plaza-Diaz; Pervez Kabir; Shen Wan; Jian-Jun Jia; Elisabeth Mercier; Ocean Thakali; Lakshmi Pisharody; Nada Hegazy; Sean E. Stephenson; Wanting Fang; Tram B. Nguyen; Nathan T. Ramsay; R. Michael McKay; Ryland Corchis-Scott; Alex E. MacKenzie; Tyson E. Graber; Patrick M. D’ Aoust; Robert Delatolla
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1264–1276.
Antibiotic resistance and virulence potentials of E. faecalis and E. faecium in hospital wastewater: a case study in Ardabil, Iran
Elham Jannati; Farzad Khademi; Meysam Manouchehrifar; Dadras Maleki; Nour Amirmozaffari; Vajihe Sadat Nikbin; Mohsen Arzanlou
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1277–1290.
Legionella detection in wastewater treatment plants with increased risk for Legionella growth and emission
Harold van den Berg; Willemijn Lodder; Alvin Bartels; Petra Brandsema; Lucie Vermeulen; Gretta Lynch; Sjoerd Euser; Ana Maria de Roda Husman
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1291–1302.
Correlation between wastewater and COVID-19 case incidence rates in major California sewersheds across three variant periods
Angela Rabe; Sindhu Ravuri; Elisabeth Burnor; Joshua A. Steele; Rose S. Kantor; Samuel Choi; Stanislav Forman; Ryan Batjiaka; Seema Jain; Tomás M. León; Duc J. Vugia; Alexander T. Yu
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1303–1317.
Inactivation of coxsackievirus B5 by free chlorine under conditions relevant to drinking water treatment
Vu Duc Canh; Shotaro Torii; Tippawan Singhopon; Hiroyuki Katayama
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1318–1324.
The impact of chlorine, ultraviolet-C, and microwave treatment on the survivability of Blastocystis sp. cysts
Amira B. Mokhtar; Panagiotis Karanis; Chad Schou; Shahira A. Ahmed
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1325–1341.
Molecular characterisation and potential pathogenicity analysis of Acanthamoeba isolated from recreational lakes in Peninsular Malaysia
Rohaya Abdul Halim; Rosnani Hanim Mohd Hussain; Shafiq Aazmi; Hasseri Halim; Naveed Ahmed Khan; Ruqaiyyah Siddiqui; Tengku Shahrul Anuar
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1342–1356.
ECHIDNA (Emerging CHemIcals Database for National Awareness): a framework to prioritise contaminants of emerging concern in water
Peta A. Neale; Steven D. Melvin; Marty Hancock; Frederic D. L. Leusch
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1357–1368.
Field demonstration of UV-LED disinfection at small and decentralized water facilities
Kumiko Oguma
J Water Health (2023) 21 (9): 1369–1384.
Non-potable water reuse and the public health risks from protozoa and helminths: a case study from a city with a semi-arid climate
Ayushi Chaudhary; Shubham Rana; Rajveer Singh; Patrick L. Gurian; Walter Betancourt; Arun Kumar; Amit Kumar
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 981–994.
A membrane filtration method for the enumeration of Escherichia coli in bathing water and other waters with high levels of background bacteria
Merel A. Kemper; Christiaan Veenman; Hetty Blaak; Franciska M. Schets
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 995–1003.
Ecological and human health risk assessments of cyanotoxins and heavy metals in a drinking water supply reservoir
Luu Thanh Pham; Yen Thi Hoang Tran; Thai Thanh Tran; Ha Manh Bui; Luom Thi Le; Son Thanh Dao; Duc Tan Nguyen
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 1004–1016.
Efficient adsorption of tartrazine from an aqueous solution using a low-cost orange peel powder
Amana Tokodne Honorine; Abia Daouda; Domga T.; Domga Richard; Noumi Guy Bertrand
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 1017–1031.
Antimicrobial resistome and mobilome in the urban river affected by combined sewer overflows and wastewater treatment effluent
Muhammad Adnan Sabar; Than Van Huy; Yoshinori Sugie; Hiroyuki Wada; Bo Zhao; Norihisa Matsuura; Masaru Ihara; Toru Watanabe; Hiroaki Tanaka; Ryo Honda
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 1032–1050.
Exploring the nexus of water insecurity and psychological distress in Windhoek’s informal settlements, Namibia
Tobias Willem Shinyemba; Khanyisile Cloete
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 1051–1063.
Culturable mycobiota of drinking water in Göteborg (Sweden) in comparison to Ljubljana (Slovenia) with implications on human health
Monika Novak Babič; Nina Gunde-Cimerman
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 1064–1072.
Drinking water quality management progress in Ontario, two decades after Walkerton
Megan Fuller; Emma Wells; Laith Furatian; Ian Douglas; Kaycie Lane
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 1073–1085.
Equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics of biosorption of U(VI) by Jonesia quinghaiensis strain ZFSY-01 isolated from the wastewater of a uranium mine
Gen Xie; Henglei Chen; Peihong Mao; Guangwen Feng
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 1086–1097.
Supporting the implementation of drinking water management systems in New South Wales, Australia
Tran T. Huynh; Leslie Jarvis; Wendy Henderson; Zenah Bradford-Hartke; Sandy Leask; Katherine Gajo; Joshua Tickell; Katrina Wall; Paul Byleveld
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 1098–1109.
Multidimensional applications and potential health implications of nanocomposites
Olushola S. Ayanda; Rukayat O. Quadri; Sulaiman O. Adewuyi; Augusta O. Mmuoegbulam; Onyemaechi Okezie; Sa’adatu E. Mohammed; Naseer I. Durumin-Iya; Olayide S. Lawal; Kehinde M. Popoola; Folahan A. Adekola
J Water Health (2023) 21 (8): 1110–1142.
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